Prioritising Safety with Stanley Knives

In our workspace, the use of Stanley Knives is common, but it's crucial to approach their usage with a primary focus on safety. Accidents often occur due to common oversights, and we want to ensure every task is completed without harm.

Below is some useful information on how to use Stanley Knives safely and how to avoid harm:

When utilizing Stanley Knives, remember to always draw the blade away from your body, minimizing the risk of accidents. Ensure that the knife you're using has an automatic retractable blade to prevent unnecessary exposure.

Maintain the sharpness of the blade – a dull blade demands more pressure, elevating the potential for accidents. Regularly inspect and replace blades to ensure optimal functionality. Additionally, never attempt to cut more than the knife can handle, prioritising precision over force.

Personal protective equipment is your shield – wear safety glasses to protect your eyes and use cut-resistant gloves and sleeves to safeguard your hands and arms. Always work on a stable surface to avoid slips or unanticipated movements.

Applying moderate pressure is key. Let the sharpness of the blade do the work, ensuring controlled and steady movements. When changing blades, strictly follow the manufacturer's instructions to avoid mishandling.

Remember, Stanley Knives are not for prying loose objects. Stick to their intended purpose to prevent damage and injuries. Lastly, use a Stanley Knife only when there is no alternative tool for the job. Safety is always our priority, ensuring a secure and productive work environment for all.


Sun Safety