Incident Reporting

This month's spotlight shines on a crucial aspect of workplace well being - incident reporting. Our vigilance and commitment to reporting incidents play a pivotal role in ensuring a safe environment for all team members.

Why Incident Reporting Matters:

Incident reporting is the cornerstone of a safe workplace. It helps us identify potential hazards, prevent future mishaps, and ensure everyone's well-being.

When to report:

Remember, every incident, no matter how minor, is important. We encourage you to report any situation involving:

  • Employee injuries, even the slightest ones

  • Property or equipment damage

  • Work-related illnesses

  • Injuries or illnesses of non-employees

  • Near-miss incidents with the potential for injury, harm, or property damage

How to Report:

Please report the incident to the site safety officer or supervisor.

Once you've reported an incident to the officer, kindly inform Who Group as well.

Your prompt communication ensures that we can follow up and address any concerns right away.


Take 5


Safety while using Hand Tools